8 | Orgill Case Study “The vendor support is key,” Shore says. “Without it, we wouldn’t be able to keep the program evolving and vibrant. First and foremost, we have to supply retailers with the depth and breadth of products to compete against anyone else that might be in their market and offering lawn and garden products. The alliance of vendors we assembled for this allows us to do that.” With ongoing vendor commitments supporting their efforts, Orgill had to develop other elements, beyond the products, retailers would need to truly establish their stores as destinations within the lawn and garden category. “This is where we worked with our creative teams in marketing, advertising and retail services,” Stine says. “Retailers can’t just add products to their shelves and all of a sudden become a ‘destination location.’ They need to make a splash, and that means signage, merchandising aids and more.” These teams created a variety of materials to support the program. The merchandising, promotion and in-store signage aids assist retailers and their customers in a variety of ways. They: • Call attention to the lawn and garden product assortment • Help customers understand the features and benefits of the products being offered • Help customers navigate the complexities of product usage • Create a dynamic area within the store that conveys the retailer’s commitment to the category “When we said we were going to commit to this category, we knew it meant more than offering some products and rebates,” Stine says. “We wanted to offer a complete program so retailers could put up a competitive assortment with competitive pricing—but also have the tools they needed to let their customers know they were a major player in the category.” With the framework of a complete lawn and garden program in place, Orgill also knew they would need to test these concepts in a retail environment to gain real-world feedback about the program’s impact. “This is why it is so valuable for us to have a real-world retail laboratory like we have in our CNRG brands,” Stine says. “CNRG provided us with the perfect opportunity to take these ideas that we developed here in our headquarters and test them in a retail setting to get that important feedback.”