
28 | Orgill Case Study Project Insights 06 I NCR E AS E SA L E S SUCCE SS WORK I NG W I TH ORG I L L CUSTOM I ZAT I ON PARTNE RSH I P “Ultimately, any business’s goal is to increase sales through technology, and that’s where we were at as well. Any advantage we could give ourselves to bring customers into the door or attain that customer, that was our ultimate goal.” Bill Harrison McGuckin Hardware “This is really another example of how we can bring a team of experts together to help a retailer with a project that gives them access to a certain scale they might not otherwise have.” Greg Stine Orgill “For McGuckin, they were looking for all of the features and benefits that large online competitors would offer through their websites— and we could offer that similar experience with our Integrated eCommerce program.” Greg Stine Orgill WORK I NG W I TH ORG I L L “That’s the nice thing about Orgill— they are a large company, but they kind of act like a smaller company, in a sense that I can talk to anyone at the company and get things done.” Bill Harrison McGuckin Hardware “McGuckin was definitely one of those pioneering companies that we worked with on the product data side. We learned a lot from them and about what they needed because they were one of the first customers that came to us that already had their own more developed data management process.” Stepanie Lee Orgill “There’s really no other way to put it, but our existing loyalty program was just not working out the way we needed it to. The data was owned by another vendor, and we couldn’t access data when we wanted to or needed to. This meant we couldn’t do everything we wanted to do. Prior to using our previous vendor’s loyalty program, we had maintained our own program, and while it was more time-consuming, our customers liked it better. We decided we wanted to go back to something that met our needs—not our vendor’s needs.” Bill Harrison McGuckin Hardware TESTIMONIALS